Monday, December 14, 2009

Yeah, Yeah, I know....

The title of this blog is "My Life at Mizzou", and yeah, I know, it's December 15th. I realize that I'm a semester late. Get over it. This is for me, and not you. YOU are probably no one. No one is probably reading this but me. And I'm okay with that for now. So I'm not going to catch you up on the past semester, maybe I'll save that for a later date, but who am I kidding? No I won't.

It's the week of finals, and my last day here until January 19th is on Friday. I can't wait to go home. Fall back into the familiarity that is Carrollton, Texas. The good ole 75007, area code 214. I can't wait to be home and see my family's magnificent Christmas tree that they put up without me this year, with all those ridiculous lights and ornaments that represent a different stage in our family's development. I can't wait to see my friends. The ones that I know will always be there, and will never change. As much as I love Mizzou, the rollercoaster of finding and keeping good, strong, friends, has gotten old and exhausting. So there's that. Home. Only a few days away. I can't wait.

Ugh. Reading this annoys me. I feel like I should be a naturally better writer. Especially if I'm trying to be a journalist. But I'm just not. Maybe it's cause this is my first one. The whole point of this is to better my writing skills right? I just shouldn't be so hard on myself right?

I love the feeling of typing fast on my mac book keys. Why haven't I started this earlier? These words just flow so fast from my head to my fingertips to my lit macbook keyboard so FAST. I love it. Thank you, Apple.

Jeez, I'm random.

What else?
Recently, I've found an amazing thing: STUMBLE UPON . COM. It is only the coolest things on the internet today, honed to my interests. And it can be honed to yours too! Try it, you'll waste so much time, but I really don't feel like I've wasted much time. I've been able to share sites with friends and family and feel joy when I make someone's day. And mine is made with every other click! It's an amazing concept, really.

Oh, and the other day, I stumbled on this girl's project that she posted online called 300 love letters. It's SO COOL. Her writing astounds me. She wrote 300 love letters to friends, family, lovers, crushes, acquaintances, strangers, everyone. Some of them are typed, some of them are handwritten on just notebook paper, sketchbook paper, napkins, or weird stationary. The point is, her words are so honest, her emotions so raw. So, she inspired me! I want to write down all of the feelings that I have for people, towards them. I want to start writing letters. I probably won't send them. But maybe I will send a few. Some of her quotes are beautiful, I'll probably put them here. Anyway, this random girl that I "stumbled upon" who is a 25 year old working in a coffee shop in New Orleans has really touched me in a way that has shocked me. I emailed her and told her that her project has inspired me, and I haven't heard back from her, but I hope she got it and was happy. I can only hope to one day write as well as she does.

This has gone on long enough. I guess that's to be expected from a first post? Who knows. Hopefully my future posts will have more direction. I'm dissatisfied with this one, to say the least.

More later. Hopefully. If I remember.

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